Savannah’s Dream

Savannah has not had the easiest life. When she was younger, she was diagnosed with a chronic illness, which has filled her life with medications and doctor’s appointments. But that was not all. Savannah’s life was complicated by another factor….Hurricane Sandy.

In 2012, the Jersey Shore was hit with a terrible hurricane that wiped out several homes and businesses, including Savannah’s house. Savannah and her family lost almost everything because of Hurricane Sandy and are still suffering to this day.savannah and her twin brother on xmas day

For Savannah, a sense of normalcy was important. Savannah’s dream was to have a normal Christmas morning with her family again. It seems like such a simple thing, a “normal” Christmas, but under the circumstances of both chronic illness and the devastation of a natural disaster, life was far from “normal.” To help make life less stressful, even for just a day, The Dream Factory helped Savannah and her family live Savannah’s dream. Savannah, her twin brother, Adam, and her older brother, David, provided the Dream Factory with their Christmas wish lists, which included a Wii-U and some games to go along with it.

The Dream Factory of The Jersey Shore surprised Savannah and her family on Christmas Eve Morning with several wrapped presents, including a Wii-U and several games to go along with it. The organization also provided Savannah’s parents with gift cards to restaurants so they can enjoy a night out together.

The Dream Factory of The Jersey Shore gave Savannah and her family a Christmas that they will never forget.

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